I'm a hypnotherapist, amateur athlete and retired CEO who wants to help older people achieve their fitness goals through mind and body balance so they live well, stay motivated and explore what’s possible when the conscious and sub-conscious are aligned. I host a podcast ​where I interview amateur older athletes who have found they can achieve the extraordinary, my hope is to inspire people to have a go and see what they can do.
I grew up in the 60's and 70's when our parents were unlikely to go to a gym, or think about fitness, so my generation is creating a whole culture and new set of disciplines around keeping fit rather than healthy, whatever that means.
My clients are ordinary people who want to be fit, or maybe fitter, and need someone to guide them along their way through aligning mind and body. You may never have used any fitness regime at all, or you may be well used to exercise and just want to be better. My job is to help you stay on track and get the most from your hard work. We grew up doing PE at school in dusty gyms with thin floor mats, ropes hanging from the ceiling and wearing plimsolls. It's a different world now!
Stefan Ciecierski
I believe that mind and body are inextricably woven together, a dynamic system where mental and physical health influence each other profoundly. Modern science agrees, revealing that neurotransmitters, hormones, and neural pathways establish a strong connection between psychological states and bodily functions. When mind and body work in harmony, they create an optimal state for overall well-being, performance, and happiness.
Exercise, discipline, goal setting, and a positive attitude are critical components in maintaining this equilibrium. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins and serotonin, often called "feel-good" hormones, which reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being. Regular movement has been shown to enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and increase neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. Similarly, mental resilience and a focused mindset can significantly impact physical endurance, strength, and motivation, making it easier to maintain a fitness routine.
Pace and Progress
My journey to hypnotism was driven by clients asking how to overcome challenges, particularly in the context of staying healthy and motivated to live well. I've spent a career hiring, developing and supporting employees. With the benefit of experience, I can see how a better understanding, and use, of all we have, conscious and sub-conscious, enables us to continue developing and find balance and contentment.
I have had some health challenges, so I learn't the discipline of exercise and actively connecting mind and body. For me a healthy addiction to the gym and indoor rowing has taught me the value of preparation, technique, mental resilience, faith in the process and objectivity, on the journey to continually improve. We all need to find what works for us and we operate best when we combine all our faculties, but that rarely happens without help.
Life gets in the way
Challenges arise when motivation dwindles or external stressors interfere with maintaining a consistent exercise routine. This is where the mind-body connection can be supported by hypnotherapy, a powerful technique rooted in neuroscience and psychology that influences brainwave activity, allowing you to tap into your subconscious mind, strengthen neural pathways related to motivation, and reinforce positive behaviours. Studies suggest that hypnosis improves concentration, enhances pain tolerance, and even accelerates muscle recovery by reducing the perception of fatigue and discomfort​.
A growing number of clients are "functioning addicts" to alcohol, cigarettes, bad diet and other habits that get in the way of maximising potential. If you are struggling with something like this, changing the way you view your reliance and seeing what it is does to you is the cornerstone of a solution,
Work with Your Subconcious, Take Control, Find the well-being at work you are looking for
For many, maintaining an exercise routine or pushing their fitness to new levels is a struggle. Psychological barriers such as self-doubt, past failures, or negative associations with physical activity can make it difficult to stay committed. Many people just don’t like the gym environment and some of the words we use can be off putting, fair enough, but fitness can be achieved in many ways. Hypnotherapy can address these underlying mental blocks by rewiring thought patterns, replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones, and fostering a mindset of perseverance and self-belief. You can find what suits you.
By aligning the mental and physical aspects of health, hypnotherapy provides a drug-free, natural way to support exercise and overall well-being. Unlike pharmaceutical interventions or external supplements, hypnosis works by enhancing intrinsic motivation and self-control. It allows you to achieve your fitness and wellness goals in a way that is effective and enjoyable. Importantly, during hypnosis, you are fully aware and in control, there is no loss of autonomy.
The relationship between mind and body is very powerful, and by using hypnotherapy, you can unlock their full potential. Whether seeking to establish a sustainable fitness habit, improve performance, or simply experience greater harmony between mental and physical health, integrating the power of the mind with bodily actions offers a profound and lasting pathway to success.
Hypnotherapy for exercise and fitness includes many techniques for relaxation, visualization, focused attention, manifesting success and progressive muscle release amongst others. I use different breathing methods to help you get there and find the routines that suit you best to prepare for activity.
Our bodies are made to move! So, there is an activity for everyone.
Hypnotherapy can help you develop a positive outlook on fitness to overcome anxiety or pain that might be holding you back from exercising. It can help you alter beliefs and emotional connections that interfere with your ability to exercise. 
Self-hypnosis is a good way to prepare for what you plan to do. Don’t be put off, anyone can do it. I can help you find a way that works well.
Visualization and Sports Performance
Sports performance is a complex interplay of physical ability, mental resilience, and emotional stability. Athletes of all sorts constantly seek ways to enhance their focus, build confidence, and maintain composure under pressure. Visualization helps, particularly with hypnotherapy, so you can harness the power of the subconscious, recover from setbacks, and fine-tune skills.
Visualization creates vivid mental representations of successful performances. Hypnosis allows athletes to enter a relaxed, trance-like state where the subconscious mind becomes highly receptive to positive suggestions and imagery, bypassing conscious barriers like self-doubt or fear of failure. Guided relaxation enables athletes to experience their desired outcomes as if they were already real, reinforcing confidence and improving neural pathways associated with movement and skill execution.
Neuroscientific research suggests that mentally rehearsing an action activates the same brain regions involved in its physical execution. This is functional equivalence, where mental practice can be nearly as effective as physical training.
In a state of heightened suggestibility athletes can reprogram mental patterns, replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations and detailed imagery of success.
The Science Behind Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious
Hypnosis leverages the power of your subconscious mind, which controls your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. By accessing this powerful part of your mind, we can help you make positive changes to enhance your career and your quality of life.
A State of Focused Relaxation
Hypnotherapy involves a state of deep relaxation and focused attention, allowing us to work directly with your subconscious to reprogram negative patterns and create new habits. This is key to personal development and finding better ways to achieve your goals, thrive instead of just survive.
With self-hypnosis you can continue to work on your own, reinforcing positive suggestions, and achieving your goals outside of a therapy session. It empowers you to take control of your sub-concious mind and make lasting changes in your life. Self-hypnosis can help you stay on track, stay in control.
Breathwork, your engine
We breath about 22,000 times a day, but very few of us pay much attention, yet if you slow it down and take control through using one of the many scientifically tried and tested techniques often part of an ancient tradition, you will feel an immediate difference. Mindful and conscious control of the breath can give you relaxation, emotional release, and new levels of well-being. This is a drug free, easily accessible practice that works with different forms of deep breathing, breath holding, breath control and rhythmic breathing patterns.
I use it as a crucial part of hypnotherapy, meditation, fitness and exercise. Once you have learn't about how you currently breathe, and how you can make the most of this life force, you can take these techniques into your daily life to help with managing stress and emotions, giving yourself a boost when you need it, finding calm and perspective, and all round well being.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses guided relaxation and focused attention to access your subconscious mind. It can help you be better at work, find value and purpose, and overcome personal issues of many types.
How does hypnotherapy work?
Hypnotherapy works by tapping into your subconscious mind, which controls your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Your sub-conscious is ever present, we want you to develop a successful supportive relationship with it
Is hypnotherapy safe?
Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective therapy when performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner. You are always in control, the best way to learn more is to have an initial chat.
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions varies depending on your individual needs and goals. We will discuss a personalised treatment plan with you, however, you can often get rapid results. Sessions are usually about an hour.
  • "I feel like I have new energy and can handle the day to day, thanks! you showed me I am more than I thought" -customer support agent, London
  • "You were very patient and helped me clarify my issues, now I have a plan" -account manager, London
  • "not always easy to look in the mirror, but you made it manageable and the result makes it all worthwhile" -recruitment company manager, London
  • "can you talk to my boss? I think he could do with your perspective!" -recruitment consultant, Sussex
  • "Thanks, that was easier than I thought, never been hypnotised before, I feel more in control" -tech entrepreneur/CEO, London
  • "I was a bit nervous at first but there was no need, you guided, I followed"-HR manager, Sussex
  • "Thanks! After a couple of sessions I found it easier to train and get more from my time and effort" -bloke from the gym!
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Read more about hypnotherapy, which is a type of complementary therapy that uses hypnosis – an altered state of consciousness.

or email info@betterwithage.live
We are based in Sussex and London, most sessions are online and can be out of normal work hours. For general information on hypnotherapy try the following link
or email info@betterwithage.live ​